------------------------- Version 2.0.1 ------------ Fixed : - JVM parameters problems (separator used was File.pathSeparator when saving parameters and ':' when reading so depending on the OS that works or not. In V2.0.1 separator is ';' everywhere) ------------------------- Version 2.0 ------------ Jump to version 2.0 to be in synch with Eclipse version. New features : - Tomcat project could use you a special classloader. This classloader named 'DevLoader' is a WebAppClassloader able to load classes from WEB-INF/classes, WEB-INF/lib and a list of directories and jar files. Using this feature a Tomcat project could easily referenced classes in several eclipse Java projects. Without this feature, one should create a jar file for each project or add projects to Tomcat classpath (in this case they will not be loaded by the same classloader). - Tomcat plugin use settings in Preferences->Debug page to select the perspective that will be shown after starting the server. Fixed : - In project properties page : - unckecking 'Is a Tomcat project' will remove the context in server.xml - Changing context name will remove old context - if updating server.xml is allowed, server.xml is updated when OK button is pressed - Exporting WAR will display an error message if a WAR file is not specified in project properties - Updating or removing the context from a Tomcat project popup menu will display an error message if updating server.xml is not allowed in project properties. - JVM Parameters don't work (separator is ; instead of :) - Starting Tomcat failed if the workspace is empty (contains no project) ------------------------- Version 0.99 ------------ To use V0.99 with build older than F2 rt.jar should be added to Tomcat JVM bootclasspath in Tomcat JVM preference page. New features : - Tomcat JVM preference page has a new field to choose JRE (if not set Tomcat plugin still uses default JRE) Known problem : - Tomcat settings in preference page are not saved. This problem was introduced by bug 18644 (http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=18644) The workaround is to manualy create the following directory : /.metadata/.plugins/com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat Fixed : - WAR files not readable by Tomcat - V.98 does not work with F2, ------------------------- Version 0.98 ------------ New features : - tomcat project properties are saved in a file named .tomcatplugin in each tomcat project. - use a Classpath Variable to initialize tomcat project build path (this variable is named TOMCAT_HOME) Fixed : - WAR files contains leading / - V0.96 does not work with builds since 20020515. ------------------------- Version 0.96 ------------ Same features than V.095 V0.96 works with builds since 20020409. V0.95 works with previous builds (<20020409) ------------------------- Version 0.95 ------------ New features : - Set configuration file : see Preferences-> Tomcat-> Configuration file - Export to war file : war file location is set in Tomcat project properties, export action on project popupmenu-> Tomcat->Export to war - Setting a sudirectory of the project as Web application root : set it in Tomcat Project Wizard - Launch Tomcat in run mode (instead of debug mode), see Preferences-> Tomcat-> Don't run in debug mode - updating context possible if project moved : project popup menu-> Tomcat-> update context... - removing context in server.xml using : project popup menu-> Tomcat-> remove context... Fixed : - Impossible to start Tomcat if some projects are closed - Could not create context in server.xml if URI is empty ------------------------- Version 0.91 ------------ Fixed : - Tomcat 3.3 : JSP work directory should not be set to work/org/apache/jsp (this is for V4) - Using Tomcat project popup menu from Resource view Added : - Japanese local (Thanks to Syunsuke Masuda) Known problems : - Tomcat 4 and JSP in project subdirectories : generated servlets for JSP couldn't be compile by Eclipse. Subdirectories do not appear in Tomcat 4 generated servlets. Package definition is always package org.apache.jsp, with Tomcat 3, package definition is compliant with file location. Workaround (from Gabriel Krupa) : if your jsp is /myjspdir/myjsp.jsp, generated servlet will be in work/org/apache/jsp/myjspdir, change package definition from org.apache.jsp to org.apache.jsp.myjspdir, to debug your jsp access it from your browser with the following URL : http://myhost:8080/myapplication/servlets/org.apache.jsp.myjspdir.myjsp$jsp Second workaround : use Tomcat 3.3 (servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1) ------------------------- Version 0.9 ----------- New features : - Restore restart button. - support of Tomcat 3.3 (see Tomcat preference Window) - Set java projects to be added in Tomcat classpath (see Tomcat preference Window) - Set Tomcat JVM parameters, classpath and bootclasspath (see Tomcat preference Window) Eclipse seems to have a bug regarding bootclasspath (http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8576) If you want to set bootclasspath you should include rt.jar, unfortunately eclipse will remove it before launching a JVM. The workaround is to copy and rename rt.jar. Add the renamed file to Tomcat bootclasspath - Add a new type of Project : Tomcat Project - new wizard to create a Tomcat Project. (In packages view, open popup menu, select new Project, Tomcat project) - It can be used to import an existing WAR structure or creating a new one. This wizard will : - Import or create WEB-INF/src and set it as a source folder - Import or create WEB-INF/classes and set it as output folder - Import or Create WEB-INF/lib and add all jar files in this folder to project build path. - Create work folder for JSP and set is as a source folder - Add Tomcat jar files to project build path (servlet.jar and jasper) - If you allowed it on the second panel of this wizard, Tomcat server.xml file will be updated. (Server.xml is backuped twice : server.xml.backup is created first time you use the plugin, server.xml.old is updated each time plugin will write in server.xml) Known bug : Wizard progress bar can disapeared during import WARNING : Even if I add no problem importing several Struts projects you should make a backup of your WAR structure before importing it - You can add Tomcat nature to any Java project : open project properties, select Tomcat, check is Tomcat project Popup menu on Tomcat Project has a new section 'Tomcat project' ------------------------- Version 0.7 ----------- Problem Fixed : - Plugin can't registered tomcat process to eclipse debugger when workspace contains closed projects New features : - Error messages sent to Eclipse .log file - Tomcat icons in toolbar (Java and Debug perspectives) - Removal of information dialogs ("Starting Tomcat", "Stopping Tomcat") - Internationalization (English, German and French included) ------------------------- Sysdeo Eclipse Tomcat Launcher Plugin (c) Sysdeo SA - 2002 - http://www.sysdeo.com/eclipse/tomcatPlugin.html Thanks to the following people for their contribution : - Werner Keil - Jim Franklin - Michael Kilgore - Aleksandar Dimitrov - Syunsuke Masuda - Gabriel Krupa - Johan Compagner - Craig Setera